IEEE International Workshop in Cyber Forensics, Security, and E-discovery (CFSE 2021)


To battle with cybercrimes, investigate online financial frauds, and mediate personal digital property disputes, cyber forensics, security, and e-discovery professionals and researchers are always working hand in hand. Due to the nature of the cyberspace, these three fields are built on the same digital foundation that provides numerous similarities in law practice, legal procedures, investigation strategies, evidence handling, research methodologies, implementation platforms, and application tools.

The theme of this workshop is to advance the research in the conjunction of Cyber Forensics, Security, and E-discovery with a data-intelligent-driven, legal-proceedings-enforced, and innovative-interdisciplinary-promoted approach. While a digital forensic professional needs to work on security or join a team for mediating a digital property from time to time, a researcher in digital forensics should also think about the impact of their work on security and e-discovery. This is also true to the professionals and researchers who are working on the fields of security and e-discovery. Therefore, we are intended to establish a forum where all the researchers and practitioners in these three fields can share their latest findings and experience while have a chance to learn what is happening in these sister-fields. Not only do they ask questions and discuss their concerns to others presentations, they also have the opportunities to hear what are the concerns and impact of their research on these sister fields. As the technology keeps its unthinkable pace of advance, everything seems to become closer and similar to each other. We believe that the effort made by this workshop will promote the collaboration among these three fields and enrich as well as expand their research and practice.


The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

  • Augmented and Virtual Reality Forensics and Security
  • Blockchain Technology in Cyber Forensics, Cybersecurity, and E-discovery
  • Cloud Forensics / Fog Forensics, Security, and E-discovery
  • Cyber Defense/Offense/Operation
  • Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Forensics and Security
  • Curriculum Development in Digital Forensics, Cybersecurity, and E-discovery
  • Data-Driven Cybersecurity, Incident Response, and E-discovery
  • Electronic Discovery and Fraud Detection/Investigation
  • Forensic Testing / Cyber Crime Simulation
  • Game / Virtual World Forensics
  • Image Forensics / Information Hiding Technology
  • IoT (Internet of Things) Forensics, Security, and E-discovery
  • Legal, Ethical, and Privacy Issues in Computing
  • Malware and Intrusion Detection and Penetration Testing
  • Quantum Computing Forensics/Next Generation Forensics
  • Risk Analysis in Security, Safety, Privacy, and Forensics Applications
  • SCADA / Critical Infrastructures Forensics
  • Social Networking Forensics, Security, and E-discovery
  • Software Application Forensics/E-discovery (Medical, Financial, and Governmental)
  • Software Forensics and Profiling
  • System Software Forensics and Security
  • Ubiquitous/Mobile/iPhone Forensic Computing and Cybersecurity
  • Visualization of Computer/Digital Forensics, Security, and E-discovery


Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research papers as well as industrial practice papers. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are not permitted. Detailed instructions for electronic paper submission, panel proposals, and review process can be found at

The length of a camera ready paper will be limited to eight pages. Each paper should include a title, the name and affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract, and up to 6 keywords. Shorter version papers (up to four pages) are also allowed.

All papers must conform to the QRS conference proceedings format (PDF | Word DOCX | Latex) and Submission Guideline set in advance by QRS 2021 co-located workshops. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper is required to pay full registration fee and present the paper at the workshop. Arrangements are being made to publish selected accepted papers in reputable journals. Submissions must be in PDF format and uploaded to the conference submission site.


Program Chairs

Ryoichi Sasaki's avatar
Ryoichi Sasaki

Tokyo Denki University

Tetsutaro Uehara's avatar
Tetsutaro Uehara

Ritsumeikan University

Jigang Liu's avatar
Jigang Liu

Metropolitan State University

Program Committee

Yuuki AshinoNEC
Francis AvorgbedorMetropolitan State University
Vinod BhattathiripadG J Software Forensics
Farris HassanMinnesota IT Services
Satoshi KaiHitachi Ltd.
Anyi LiuOakland University
Dan LoKennesaw State University
Masakatsu NishigakiShizuoka University
Mathew NyamagwaMetropolitan State University
Sean ThorpeUniversity of Technology, Jamaica
Michael TuPurdue University Calumet
Ben TurnbullDefense Science and Technology
Shiuh-Jeng WangCentral Police University
S. M. YiuThe University of Hong Kong
Hiroshi YoshiuraThe University of Electro-Comm.
Yanjun ZuoUniversity of North Dakota

Previous CFSE

  • CFSE 2020 - Macau (in conjunction with QRS 2020)